I've been up for a while and it's a long 314 miles home...scooter is loaded and I'm just about ready to try and get on the first ferry off the island...

jack's up too but he's not quite in the rush I'm in...he has about 70 mile to get his ferry back to NI...

got to get a picture before I head off...gonna see him next week anyway...he's staying at ours for a week...

cracking view...

let me just explain the plastic bag...most people were told they couldn't carry a fuel can on the journey over...I wasn't stopped but I'm taking no chances on the return...what they can't see can't hurt them...

Leeds wrecking crew on an early start too...

I'm sure some of these came over on the same crossing as me!!..

great rally...definitely going next year...may even do it on a Cosa...

Millport 2022
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