we'd decided that rather than rush around on Thursday like we normally do for Vespa World Days we'd have an extra day and relax...so here we are Wednesday 17th April and it's not long gone midday and we don't have to rush down the Vespa Village...

from here on in (while we're all together) there will be a mix of photo's taken by myself and Di...mostly with Di's Nikon D500 and my Nikon Coolpix A900...there will be the odd one or two taken with mobile phones and also my Nikon D3100 (the settings are all over the place and I'll need to sort it out when I get home so there won't be many)...

Di's first out on the balcony with her phone...

the stunning view from the balcony at the back of our apartment as captured with my D3100...

and plenty of time to take it all in...

still a little early for Di to get her Nikon D500 out so here's a few more from her Samsung S22...

now we've taken in all the beauty from the balcony it's time for a stroll down the local town...

the plan is to find a supermarket to stock up on essentials...

Di will take a picture of anything...

there are a few dark clouds around...

old cars everywhere...

you wanna know what Di's taking a picture of!!..

you've got it...nothing in particular...just someone's tatty front door...lololol...

or is it this one!!..

I know it wasn't this as it was further down the street...

everything on here looked delicious...we eventually came back and bought some snacks...they were delicious...

today is market day...


it's not just booze in there they have bought food as well...

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