either a shit camera or the shaky hand of Clive Jones (CJ Scooters)...from left to right...Devil...Andy...Dave...me...Rob and Paula...in the background is the bomb site that was our home for the weekend...what a shit hole...
no rush to get home...this is around lunch time on Sunday...from left to right...Rob's Lambretta GP200...my Vespa P200E...my Vespa 150 Super and Andy's Servetta 200...plus the shit hole campsite from another angle...those were the days!!..
Clive Jones - CJ Scooters - getting in on the act...one tent for the six of us...we knew how to rough it...
yes the campsite really was a shit hole...
Pete Widdison on the left...is that Yob on the right!!..
almost home...
yes...almost home...