set out at nine and managed just less than four and a half hours with stops for fuel and food...and turning around after I missed a petrol station on a six way island...not bad...
first things gear off and shorts on...
it's been a while since I've put the tent up by to get everything else off the scooter...
nice to see Black Country scooters so far from home...a bit different from the none at Margate...
bought this sleeping bag a dozen years or so ago and this is only the second time I've used it...
starting to fill up a bit around me...
tent's up...scooter's parked...let's have a wander...
not a fan of 6t's rear lights on a PX...
always love to see a Rally...
simple but different...
some people would be like "super cool GP" "wow - stunning Spanish GS160"... there's a few Lammy's down the other end of the field...
still a little's early yet...
our little corner of the field...
there will be the purists goin' "OMG"...
Stuart selling Scooter Nova as Andy is not here because of Covid...