I bought this scooter out of a bike breakers...it cost me the measly sum of £225 back in 1991...and what made it more of a bargain was it had only done 3300 miles in 11 years...some old guy had owned this scooter from new...and used it to go to the post office once a week to draw his pension...one night...some thieving twats made off with it...it was recovered but the insurance had already been paid up on it...this is how it ended up in the salvage yard...the only damage on it was a scratch on the left hand sidepanel...

As you can see from the photo...I added one or two bits & pieces to it...a stereo with the inside legshield speakers...a CB...a Yankee seat with rear light...and a driver screen...plus a little bit of chrome here & there...except for the obligatory rusty forks and the scratch...this scooter looked like it had just come out of the factory...I was going to fit a new set of forks...

then all of a sudden...an arsehole of a taxi driver decided he didn't like the look of it...and thought it would look better if there were no straight panels on it...

after 2 weeks in hospital...this was the first time I had seen this...I could have cried...I think I did...

all the "sorry mate, I didn't see you's" in the world don't take away the fact that this could have been the end of your life...

yes...it did hurt...one clean break...and the other shattered like an egg...I thought I was never going to be able to change gear on a Vespa again...six weeks after the accident I was back on a Vespa again...not this one...this took three months to rebuild...mad or what???...some might say yes...me...no...

Wanderin' Wolves S.C. Chaney's world Home Page Olaf Insel (German Scooterist)